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OSTF 02-04-13 Minutes
Open Space Task Force
February 4, 2013

Attendance – Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Roy Normen, Jeff Folger, Bart Pacekonis, Sue W. Larsen, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, John Caldwell

Guest – Robert Mannerino, Andy Paterna

Pat Botteron, Chair, opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.


The minutes were accepted as amended.

Public Participation


New Business

The Task Force evaluated the Mangene Property on John Fitch Boulevard.  All the ratings were low but several members felt this was still worth a donation to the town.  Roy Normen said the Land Trust may be an option for this property. Roy Normen moved The Open Space Task Force advises the Town Council that the Mangene Property has conservation and habitat qualities but also has drawbacks, The Open Space Task Force recommends other options of ownership be considered.  Yes – Louise Evans, Roy Normen, Jeff Folger, Bart Pacekonis, John Caldwell  No- Pat Botteron, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Sue Larsen  

Rob Mannarino approached the Task Force about allowing agriculture on some of the open space associated with the Dzen Farms Subdivision.  A 5+ acre parcel is slated to be transferred to the Town as part of the open space requirement for the 64-lot subdivision.  A map of the property in question was presented.  Currently approximately two acres of this parcel contains a blueberry patch.  Rob Mannarino was proposing a life use to John Dzen, grandson to Ginny Dzen the current owner of the property to grow blueberries. The Task Force wasn’t sure this was the place to come.  Betty Warren said most of the time, the farming land is leased and it would not be fair to have one farm with rights that others do not have.  Most leases are five year leases.  Rob Mannarino stated that too much land was originally given over to the town and maybe they could get back 1 ½ acres.  The property has not been transferred over to the town yet but will be as the phases go on.  The Task Force thought leasing would be the best but we felt we didn’t have the authority to do anything but assist with options.  Jeff Folger proposed that the Task Force discuss the use of agriculture on open space parcels and possibly drafting a policy that could be sent to the Town Council.

Carol Heffler will be nominated for the Pollicelli Award.

A motion to extend the meeting to 7:10 was approved.

Old Business

King Street property has been approved for purchase and the sale is progressing.

Andy Paterna spoke quickly that he supports the blueberry farming on Dzen property but felt the SW Food Alliance did not have the authority to support projects such as this one.


We received a thank you note from Congressman John Larson for the mass card sent. Ginny Holt sent a thank you for the certificate on behalf of Walk & Wheels.

Karl Reichle sent his new email address.

Other Business

The next meeting will be March 4, 2013

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue W. Larsen